Santa Cruz: Cybersecurity for Social Media: 5 Essential Tools to Protect Your Business

Sep 12 12:00 pm — 1:00 pm

Event Details

Enroll in our webinar, “Cybersecurity for Social Media: 5 Essential Tools to Protect Your Business,” and learn how to shield your business from the increasing threats of identity theft, phishing, and scams. This course is designed to help you understand the vulnerabilities in social media marketing and how to fortify your business against potential breaches.

This webinar will delve into the top five ways to protect your business. We will discuss the importance of privacy protection and introduce you to essential cybersecurity tools. By the end of the webinar, you will be equipped to implement critical security protocols to safeguard your business and customers.

The webinar is based on the alarming fact that the number of cyber-attacks has dramatically increased in recent years. In 2020 alone, over 700,000 attacks were launched against small businesses, resulting in $2.8 billion in damages.

Don’t let your business become another statistic. Take immediate action to protect yourself and your customers by enrolling in this webinar. Learn to use social media marketing as a powerful tool to grow your business without compromising on security.

The information provided in this webinar and any supplementary materials provided to registrants are intended for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute professional financial or legal advice. No registrant should act or fail to act on the basis of any material contained in this webinar without obtaining proper financial, legal or other professional advice specific to their situation. The Northern CaliforniaSmall Business Development Center, and its host, the HSU Sponsored Programs Foundation, specifically disclaims any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the information presented in this webinar. By registering for this webinar you acknowledge and agree that you have read, understood, accept and agree to the above disclaimer and that under no circumstances shall the Northern California Small Business Development Center or it’s host, the HSU Sponsored Programs Foundation, be held liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any kind or nature arising out of or in any way related to the information provided in this webinar and/or the registrant’s use of or reliance on said information.